Thursday, 2 July 2009

I should have known better

I was so down the following morning. Tandy is one of the 10 nicest women I have ever met. But like eight of the other nine, she wasn't interested in anything other than friendship (and I had to beg the other one, my ex, for weeks before she agreed to a date). A New Edition to an ever-growing list (gedditt??).

I emailed Tandy to apologise for my behaviour, saying that I had enjoyed her company so much in Hue, I was disappointed that things had not continued in the same vain. She eventually replied, wishing me happy travels. I was indignant. It seemed stupid that she would be sitting alone in her hotel room for the next few nights, while I would be sitting alone in a bar. She may have got an inkling that I fancied her, but I haven't acted in any way inappropriately.

The cavalry arrived in the form of the Kiwi girls, Bex and Mel, who had just turned up in Hoi An. They agreed to join me in a drowning-my-sorrows session (until the Antipodean witching hour of 22.00, of course). When they left the Britpop bar, their seats were pounced on by two stunning Danes in their early twenties. They tried to engage me in conversation, but I was more interested in watching Any Murray's Wimbledon quarter-final. When I say 'more interested', what I meant was that I was just being realistic. As I looked around the bar, all I could see was countless tall and tanned English lads, 20 years my junior. If I can't pull someone my age, who understands the nuances of my humour, what chance have I got with women who say 'pardon' why I tell them from England?

In the end, I sought salvation in the arms (figuratively, not literally) of a 15-stone Welsh journalist more plain than a bar of Bournville, who asked me for a light. Despite having little in common, we chatted for an hour, until she mentioned she was a huge rugby fan (I could see that for myself). I made my excuses and left.

Jim Diamond hit the nail on the head (although I didn't lie to anyone beautiful – I even told Tandy my real age). I was just stupid enough to think that someone without more stubble than me or any psychiatric issues, who was willing to pay her own way, could fancy me. Or even just enjoy a little holiday snog with someone she clearly really liked. Am I really asking too much?


Will said...

Doh - next time you go to give a girl a peck on the cheek and she goes to kiss your lips go as far as she will let you! Five days in-country can mean only one agenda - she aint looking for a gentelman... Hang on in there - and don't think the girls will prefer a younger man who won't have the gift of the gab, the experience and maturity that you can offer. And before you say "what experience" - they don't know that ..

Pull yourself together - this is after all a promising start. Get back on the floor.

Debbie said...

Hi Darron

Finally sorted out how to post a reply.

OWWWW.Well that sounds like a near miss. Don't let it spoil your hols though there fab things to see out there and more people to meet.
Here's some of my thoughts though....
Agree with Will you could have gone for a (brief not too presumptious) proper kiss but I think your main mistake (if anything) was taking her bad mood personally and getting sulky - maybe she was just tired or had had a bad day (have you met a woman before??!!!!). Also perhaps you came on a bit strong by emaling and underlining the negatives of the night. Just keep it light and easy early on and give a girl time to get to like you without her thinking there's an agenda so she has to subconsiously decide on you as potential boyfriend material straight away.
Well that's my advice for what it's worth. Keep it light and easy....let your charm win the girl over by stealth...
but most of all don't dwell and have a great holiday! Dx

Debbie said...

Just re-read the blog and missed one important point before. Should have guessed from the name - Tandy is from Adelaide! Lucky escape I say - I mean you may have missed out on a snog or a shag but would you really want to be back home pining for someone 12,000 miles away if you'd got more deeply attached?
Anyway this is Vietnam meaning you can get your 'Dong' out whenever you want - in bars, cafes, bus stations... and where else in the world can you wave your dong in a girl's face as you offer to buy her a drink?!; -)
Cheer up
Chin up