Friday, 10 July 2009

Things are looking up

OK, it might be something only a teenage virgin would brag about, but you have to be thankful for small mercies. So, after longer than I care to admit, I have shared a room with a woman. Just the two of us.

OK, it wasn't by choice - well, certainly not on her part. I was on a two-night trip around the Mekong delta, when the group was joined by five new people. As we checked into the hotel, it transpired that all but two of us were in couples. This left me and a twentysomething woman. As neither of us wanted to pay the $3 single supplement, the solution was obvious. 'All right with you?' 'Yes.''All right with you?' 'Yeeeeeeeeeesss!!!! I mean yes.' I found out her name as I put the key into the lock.

I imagine this is how it sometimes works with one-night stands. I was in a bar in Costa Rica last year with a group including a statuesque and stunning Danish girl. Suddenly, a short American with a Brian Blessed beard and skateboard shorts round his ankles went up to her and after about two two minutes of chat over the deafening europop, they left hand in hand. She didn't reappear till the following lunchtime - and they had never bet before.

Needless to say, Stellar and I didn't become so well acquainted. But waking up four feet away from probably the sexiest woman I have ever met (who also happened to be nearly naked), certainly put a smile on my face.

It might not be time to get those party poppers out yet. But one step at a time. Particularly as I am meeting Marie tonight (see 2/7/09), after bumping into her at Angkor Wat at 05.30 this morning (as you do).

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