Tuesday, 25 November 2008

International rescue?

Dating Direct is pulling every trick to get me to extend my membership past the initial week. The problem is that its strategy is attracting only women from overseas. In the past 24 hours, I have had more ‘views’ or ‘winks’ than during any single day in the 18 months I have been signed up to the website. Among a smattering (about 10%) from England, I have had interest from Russia, Cyprus, the Channel Islands, Italy, Bolivia, Vietnam, Scotland, Norway, Libya, South Africa and Romania. Most of the women haven’t got pictures of themeselves and their ages range from 18 to 65.

Why would a wink from a faceless woman in La Paz encourage me to part with my money, even if the first line of her profile reads: ‘I am a very lonely woman in need of some immediate attention.’

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