Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Wedding march

My only remaining unmarried ex-girlfriend got hitched at the weekend. I must admit that I was going through all the pictures on Facebook within 24 hours.

She looked incredible and it made me quite wistful. We were together for only three months and there were so many things about her that, from my point of view, weren’t ‘right’ (her teenage son, her financial situation, her religious beliefs, where she lived and her age, to name only a few). But she was such a lovely, warm, thoughtful person and I loved her company. She was one of the five most amazing women I have ever met – and the only one I ever went out with.

As I scour the net looking for someone to ignore my emails, or hang around bars where most of the women are 15 years my junior, it’s hard not to think that letting her go was the biggest mistake that I have ever made.

Equally as worrying is the fact that all three of my exes whom I’m still in touch married the next bloke they went out with after me. I hope it’s not a case of them realising that if it’s only blokes such as me still on the market, they had better hang on tightly to the next decent one they find.

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