Monday, 11 August 2008

Chat's the way to do it

I received an email from Gemma over the weekend. I could only compare it with one that a bank manager would send a customer (if they sent personal emails, that is). Formal, brief, dull and detatched. I think would rather have received nothing at all and contented myself with thoughts that I had been sending my messages to the wrong address, while she was pining for me in San Jose.

It's a bit of a new one on me to have experienced huge chemistry face to face, only to find it go pear-shaped when we start emailing. The other way round is all too familiar. As most of the women I date these days I either meet through mutual friends or websites, I have usually exchanged numerous emails before meeting in the flesh (and those that I don't connect with, I don't bother meeting). Yet it's amazing that so many women who are up for some banter in cyberspace, have the zest and personality of a rag doll when you meet them.

Talking of the internet, I received an email yesterday from a woman on a dating website of which I used to be a member. As they were offering a month's membership for a fiver, I decided to sign up. The email was OK and the sender definitely worth getting to know better - even if she does live 100 miles away. We spent all last night on the site's instant messaging facility.

Suddenly, an air ticket to San Jose seems an unnecessary expense.

1 comment:

will said...

Oh, but she might just have rubbish netiquette. I think it's definitely worth a Skype before you make your mind up...