Thursday, 30 April 2009

Boyle prerogative

Remember me? You'll have to excuse my absence. It's not that I can't be bothered to update this blog. It's just that there is nothing to say. My love life is as bare as Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard, as empty as one of Gordon Brown's promises.

Not only has my social life plumbed new depths (my only night out in the past three weeks has been dinner with a female friend), but I am now 'working' from home (I am using the word in its loosest sense). And despite being logged on to Dating Direct pretty much 24/7 (which should create interest, as the most common way to search is to look at people 'currently online'), I have had no winks, no emails and only a single 'view' (she had no picture) in the past fortnight.

If things don't pick up soon, I'm going challenge Piers Morgan to a duel, with the winner getting to take out Susan Boyle, from Britain's Got Talent.